This is a movie that was screen at Cannes and got a very good applause from the viewers. Natalie Portman, who is the director, actor and screenwriter, has done a reasonable good job in her debut. She has carried out the role of young mother very effectively. This film has a lot of dramas, and it acts as an advantage in some places and disadvantage in some spots. Slawomir Idziak, the cinematographer of this movie, has done a stylish recording but the dark tone used makes it difficult for the viewer to identify the faces. The 12-year-old son character played by Amir Tessler is noteworthy as he has brought out the two different shades of the role as a boy who actively takes part in the family life and as a boy who gets bullied in the school very well.
One of the attractive scenes in the movies is the party that is hosted by an Arabic family. The scene has been shot very naturally, and it will not be very easy to bring out such a wonderful scene, and the director has to be applauded for her good work. Though this film is shot on the basis of a book, it will be better not to compare them both as there are some scenes left out. The climax of the movie is emotional, and the speech given by the character binds the audience very well. The music is also pleasant and lyrical which cannot be ignored so easily.
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