Who is referred to as independent filmmakers? One of the truest forms of art is being independent. No person doubts an independent sculptor, writer, or ballerina. But in terms of the independent film studio, the independence concept remains unusual. If you wish to be an independent filmmaker in the industry, you have to be out …
How India’s film industry is affected due to video streaming?
How video streaming has changed the film industry? The movie business is seeing a lot of transformations more than the plotlines of the thriller stories. A few years back, a business executive from the film industry commented in South Mumbai that very soon top stars will not make studio promises but commit to working for …
The Basic Aspects Of A Good Movie
The Three Main Features Of A Good Movie For the viewer, the concept of a good movie is subjective, but for the film industry, it is more objective. If a film encompasses the elements described below, it is classified as good. The script has to be engaging in some manner. It can have a twist, …
Animation features that make it popular
Trends that make animation popular The world of animation not only evokes wonders in the child’s mind but also makes a discerning adult squeal with joy. Perhaps that is the strength of animation, which makes it an appealing genre for all audiences. Animation ideas made its foray into the film industry way back in the …
Five critical phases of film Making
Crucial steps involved in filmmaking With a global box office worth of $41.7 billion, the film industry is a vital production unit that employs a large workforce and produces a whole lot of entertainment. The film industry that comprises various technological and commercial units such as production companies, studios, cinematography, screenwriting, pre-production, post-production, distribution, and …
Innovations that revolutionized movies
Technologies that transformed world cinema From the motion picture techniques used in the ancient caves of Chauvet or El Castillo to modern-day computer graphics, movies have undergone numerous innovations to become what it is today. The journey of cinema has been a bundle innovative of concepts such as the illusion of motion, phi phenomenon, Camera …
Genre’s Importance In The Film Industry’s Background Business
Just like any other business, understanding the customer is very crucial in film making as well. Not all people who watch movies enjoy the same genre. From the thousands of films being produced every year, maybe a couple of hundreds reach the online platforms for distribution and a still smaller portion reach the cinemas. It …
The Film Industry Is All About Painting With Light
Creating compelling content that stays long in the viewer’s mind is not as easy as it needs to be well thought through, and thoroughly executed. The fundamental element being cinematography, it should be paid special attention in terms of how much time and effort goes into it. One should have good knowledge in using lighting …
Creative Sound Design In The Film Industry
Use Of Sound Design In Movies While story and screenplay is important to create buzz in the box office and the film industry, music, background score and sound design also form important aspects of quality cinema. Sound design depends on the genre of the movie. The story and style dictate the kind of sound that …
Changing Curves In The Film Industry
Technology Trends In Film Industry Filmmaking and the film industry has seen a sea of change over the years. Earlier film makers used tripods and now it has changed to steady cam and CGI. With new technology in place, filmmaking has become more faster and organic. The movie itself has become more fast paced and …